Kaua'i Big Island of Hawai'i O'ahu Lana'i Moloka'i Maui

Hawai‘i Boaters

"... improving the small boat harbors of Hawai'i."



The Harbors
   Big Island

The State
   State Auditor

   Boating Special

How you can help
Media contacts        

Marine Links

If you have browsed through this site, you have noticed a lot of holes.  Please look at the Ke‘ehi Lagoon page to review an example of a typical harbor page.  The following explains how you can help.


I need your help.

No, not money.

On this website, I plan to keep up-to-date information about harbor conditions around the state.  To do that I need your help.

If you have a boat in one of the small boat harbors, use the boat facilities, or plan to boat in Hawai'i, then I need you to

  • Send me a list of problems in your harbor
  • Photos say everything.  Send digital photos of problems
  • Promulgate www.hawaiiboaters.org and encourage boaters to join the free Hawaii Boaters discussion group (see below)
  • Be a "Harbor Activist" for your harbor
  • Write the media, your State Representative & Senator

Please indicate if you wish to be credited or remain anonymous.  Problem lists may be edited for content and photos resized.  Send Email to: WebSailor

Informant Protection

No one wants to be an informant.  The Harbor Agent probably already knows if your neighbors are living aboard illegally in harbors where liveaboards are allowed or not paying slip fees .  But in many cases he/she refuses to take action.  Request the Harbor Agents clean up the harbors.

If you are concerned about reporting violators, the State Office of Information Practices issued Opinion 99-8 Re:  Identities of Informants dated Nov. 29, 1999.  The following is an extract from that letter. 


Whether the Department of Land and Natural Resources (“DLNR”) harbor staff must publicly disclose the names of persons reporting violations.


No. Agencies are not required to disclose information which, if disclosed, would cause the frustration of a legitimate government function.  Haw. Rev. Stat. §92F-13(3) (1993). Disclosure of the identities of informants would likely chill the DLNR’s ability to perform its function of investigating possible permit violations in the future because individuals will be less likely to come forward with information if they know their identities will be revealed to the alleged violators."

Read the entire opinion at http://www.state.hi.us/oip/opinionletters/opinion%2099-08.pdf

Email me with questions and comments.



Yahoo! Groups -> HawaiiBoaters

On Yahoo!, I've created a new group called HawaiiBoaters.  It is unmoderated (nobody censors) and open to anyone who signs up for the Group.  For those unfamiliar with Yahoo! Groups, messages sent to the Group are "re-broadcast" to everyone in the group.  (You may opt for every message delivery or daily digest.)

You may use either your regular email address or register for a free address with Yahoo!

To join the free Yahoo Group called HawaiiBoaters you may either:

Click to subscribe to HawaiiBoaters

or send a blank email to: HawaiiBoaters-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Don't forget to email your boating friends!


Webmasters - please link to this site and spread the word - let me know and I'll reciprocate with a link to your site.
Email WebSailor with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2004 Hawai'i Boaters
Last modified: 04/02/04